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Awesome paintball stuff

the ultamate paintball team

Here is a list of tips for all you newbies.


The best way to crouch down when your behind a bunker is with your knee and shin flat on the ground and leaned back to where your butt is touching your heels.
For a picture of this look up.

If someone shoots at you hit the ground.It becomes much harder hit or even see you when your as low as possible.

Try to crawl if you can.If you crawl the enemy can not see you and you will be able to take them out much more easily.

If you get shot at and need to take cover run in a ZIG ZAG pattern.

If you enguage in a battle and need to move closer to them try to shoot at them and pin them down while moving.
All humans have a pattern of some sort such as walking, eating, even breathing. As you probly have guessed by now humans have a pattern in shooting too. The key is to learn that pattern and you will nail them every time.(Example: player 1 is shooting at player 2. Player 2 decides to wait on player 1 to shoot. Player 1 has a pattern of a shot followed by a 10 second pause then he pops up again.Player 2 knows this pattern and waits for him to go back behind his bunker then counts to 9, and before player one even has a chance to get up he already has a paintball going towards him. Then BAM player 1 gets it in the face all because his human nature)

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