Electro markers


Electro markers
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Awesome paintball stuff

The evolution of electro markers

The electro marker, brilliant, wanted, and really cool.....Yes. But your thinking "I would love to have one but i can't afford it." Well a year ago i would have said yes you cant but now i would say " Hey there's poop on my shoe i mean there's the spyder espirit." but dont they retail for about 160" then i would say "no you can get them here only 118.99"


The evolution of paintball markers in the last year has been extrordinary. Since the spyder espirit, black dragun, and the spyder sprint trigger frame paintball has broadened the speedball player range. It is a sad sight to see someone walk on the field with a really good semi auto marker and get beat by a newbie with one of these guns. But it can happen now that these guns have come onto the market. This also makes the super semi people have less control over the game because one super marker cant stand against two gun of its equality(as far as balls per second goes).

written by lysol2