Coach's Corner


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Coach's Corner
Awesome paintball stuff

What we did well, and what we need to improve on.

We learn something new in every game, or as a friend of mine used to say, "We RE-learn something old." Here I'll discuss our games and try to recap any lessons taught by the best teacher: experience. I'll also acknowledge especially good efforts.


General Tips

In this area I'll include a list of general tips. I'll add to this list as the season goes on.

Unless you are a sniper dont stay back but dont be wreckless, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your team's plan to win.
Be patient, they aren't gonna run out in front of you sceaming and yelling "hit me" so before you go trigger happy and waste your paint just wait a second.
Nobody's going to win this game for you so if your pinned down try to get out by shooting and running or jus having a teammate cover you.

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